Spring Diaries: Ramasar Returns to NYCB; ABT's Damp Start

Mearns and Ramasar in the Rondo of Brahms-Schoenberg ABT's Harlequinade, photo @ Marty Sohl Spring ballet season continues in NYC. I was at the first performance of ABT's spring season and reviewed it for bachtrack here . Ratmansky's Harlequinade is a delightful miniature gem but it needs a livelier performances than it received the night I saw it. The mime has grown cartoonish, the corp de ballet dances had the good old ABT sluggishness, and while individually very fine James Whiteside as Harlequin, Isabella Boylston as Colombine, Stella Abrera and Pierrette and Thomas Forster as Pierrot could not bring the commedia dell'arte tale to life the way they had been able to last year. I have never seen the Met so empty and unenthusiastic -- there wasn't a single individual curtain call.