Guanqun Yu

Two years ago I saw this young soprano in Il Trovatore. I thought she was nice, promising, fresh-faced, but still a work in progress. What a joy it was then to see her last night in Cosi fan tutte -- she absolutely lit up the stage. She was exactly the right mix of immature, vain, but adorable as Fiordiligi. Her voice is exactly what Mozart sopranos are supposed to sound like -- creamy and silvery, and her singing has such cleanness. My review of the complete performance is at parterre box.


  1. Ivy,
    I am glad to see that you like Yu!
    She is very promising in the operatic soprano department, for sure!

  2. Ivy,

    I have a good recording of this May 8 performance. I can mail you a copy if you e-mail me an address.

    1. may I have it too? I am Guanqun
      just tell me which is your email..
      here is my chinese email, just in case you want get contect
      sorry I can not leave my email here.


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